
Dwell Time-Why is it Important for SEO

Dwell Time is a crucial metric that finds a lot of context in articles, social media, and conference presentations.

What Is Dwell Time?

Dwell Time is the Time spent by a Google searcher (users) on a page in search results before returning to the SERPs. Many SEO professionals consider dowel time to be an important Google ranking signal.

For Example:

If you search”how to lose weight” on Google, the first result looks like a good fit. So you click on it. But when you get there and the content isn’t helpful, after 5 seconds, you click back on the results. Your Dwell Time was 5 seconds. And google algorithm understands that you weren’t happy with that result. Page visitors opt-out of your website for several reasons.
These can be:

  • The site is spammy
  • Content is misleading
  • Content has many grammatical errors
  • Slow page loading speed
  • The website is not mobile-friendly
  • Too many pop-up windows
  • Other

Why Is Dwell Time Important for SEO?

One can use Dwell Time to determine how long a particular web page caters to visitors. It indicates the quality and relevance of your page content. The more time visitors spend on your web page before returning to the SERPs, the more valuable your page distributes to online users.

For content-oriented websites, the longer Dwell time is when your page content captures the online user’s search intent. It is a valuable insight as search engines consider optimized content one of the most important ranking signals.



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