Napkins To Market

Bringing a product to market is turning your idea into a marketable product, including research, brainstorming, building networks, finding investors, and creating marketing strategies. Bringing a product to market can seem challenging, but it can also be an exciting and fulfilling journey. Following simple guidelines can help you through the process. How to bring a… Continue reading Napkins To Market

Hunting or Farming?

Hunting aims to enter the world, identify potential customers, and close deals. On the other hand, Farming seeks to increase revenue by retaining existing customers and expanding current accounts. How the Hunter vs. Farmer model works: When you operate a synchronized hunter-farmer sales model, you’ll see significant growth with new customers while retaining the customers… Continue reading Hunting or Farming?

5 Tips to Scale up your Agency Painlessly

Scalability is a touchy subject when it comes to agencies. Businesses can grow into brands, but this is not always possible for professional services firms due to the agency model. Once they hit the ceiling, some agencies can bloat rather than grow into more prominent brands. You will need more people to meet your Agency’s… Continue reading 5 Tips to Scale up your Agency Painlessly

How to Define your Product Idea in 5 Easy Steps

A great product idea is the first step to becoming a leading entrepreneur in your industry. But it takes a lot of attempt and creativity to enter the manufacturing process and release the product to potential customers. This article explains the benefits of product conceptualization, the steps you need to take to create a product… Continue reading How to Define your Product Idea in 5 Easy Steps

Choosing The Right Development Company

To thrive today, a venture of all sizes must provide metamorphic digital experiences to its customers. Because of the widespread use of software-driven solutions in our culture and the merging of tools into every part of our lives, businesses are compelled to divert resources away from core operations and improve digital experiences. Consumer expectations have… Continue reading Choosing The Right Development Company

5 Best Recommendations for WP Hosting

Web hosting is a crucial component of any successful website that is frequently disregarded. Choosing the best WordPress hosting for your requirements will boost your SEO and revenue. Several types of WordPress hosting are accessible, including free, shared, VPS, dedicated, and managed WordPress hosting. This guide helps you select the best WordPress hosting for your… Continue reading 5 Best Recommendations for WP Hosting

Top 5 Design Tools While Doing the UIUX for your Product

UI and UX are two critical aspects of design (UX). Both are about people who use a product but see things differently. UI is concerned with the visual aspects of how a person interacts with a product, such as typography, colors, menus, etc. UX, on the other hand, is more to do with how the… Continue reading Top 5 Design Tools While Doing the UIUX for your Product

How Much Should Agency Margins Really Be

Setting a reasonable gross profit target is the first step toward your marketing agency’s success. It can assist you in strategically pricing your marketing services, tracking how well you use your company’s resources to deliver your services, and assessing your sales and marketing expenses. Setting a goal, on the other hand, is insufficient. You must… Continue reading How Much Should Agency Margins Really Be

Domain Expertise or Verbosity

Domain expertise is a term you are probably familiar with but may not fully understand. Domain expertise is simple to grasp and may be highly beneficial when applied to your Customer Success role. Domain expertise, when used correctly, can help you gain a deeper understanding of your clients, their goals, and the particular concerns and… Continue reading Domain Expertise or Verbosity

Top 5 Plugins for your Agency’s Small Business Clients

How can one know which plugins provide the best actual value? Web designers and digital marketers are constantly confronted with websites that host dozens of plugins incompatible with one another. These plugins are no longer supported by WordPress or are so intricately customized that touching them imperils the website. How do you decide which plugins… Continue reading Top 5 Plugins for your Agency’s Small Business Clients