How Small Businesses In Chicago Can Keep The Marketing Funnel Updated

A marketing funnel is a series of the period that guide a prospect into becoming a customer. These stages range from a prospect’s first interaction with your company to their purchase decision. There are four primary marketing funnel stages: Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. The Benefits of Having a Marketing Funnel: • Streamline the customer… Continue reading How Small Businesses In Chicago Can Keep The Marketing Funnel Updated

How To Scale Your Agency In The New VUCA World

Most industry leaders understand that the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) environment is here to stay and has far-reaching implications across three dimensions: people, process, and technology. In such an environment, digital transformation is an inevitable organizational imperative, so much so that technology strategy has become ‘The Strategy’ for enterprises. Even on the ground,… Continue reading How To Scale Your Agency In The New VUCA World

5 Reports You Should Monitor On Your Cybersecurity Dashboard?

Many things could be improved in the security area. It is a threat environment that is constantly changing. An organization needs to be alert and understand this ever-changing environment to be an effective security leader. In an ever-evolving threat space, there are ways to optimize security postures and plans with better, more effective reporting. A… Continue reading 5 Reports You Should Monitor On Your Cybersecurity Dashboard?

Load Testing And Load Testing Tools

Load Testing: Load testing is an inoperable software testing process in which the production of a software application is tested under an expected load. It determines how a software application will behave when accessed by multiple users simultaneously. The objective of load testing is to correct performance bottlenecks and ensure software applications’ stability and smooth… Continue reading Load Testing And Load Testing Tools

Top 5 Testing Strategies Your Start-Up Needs To Have In Place

A Start-up idea is like a small plan. It has a great chance of becoming a large tree but requires special conditions and a good environment. Once you’ve done with early founder challenges like documentation, legal requirements, product market fit, etc. The stage of development is ahead of you. Starting software development is always a… Continue reading Top 5 Testing Strategies Your Start-Up Needs To Have In Place

Outdo Your Competitors By Using These Customer Engagement Tricks

The right customer engagement strategies can significantly affect your business conclusion. These action plans will result in a better customer experience and higher customer retention rates and help you outdo your competitors by using these customer engagement tricks. What is a Customer Engagement Strategy? A customer engagement plan of action organizes interactions and activities into… Continue reading Outdo Your Competitors By Using These Customer Engagement Tricks

What Should Be The Cyber Security Spent In Your Clients’ Maintenance Contract?

Preventing cyber-attacks when they happen is less expensive than repairing the damage. Companies and organizations across industries lose money to cyber-attacks all the time. There are more apparent avenues, such as piracy, data breaches, and lawsuits. Everything is digital these days, both on-premises and in the cloud. So cyber security personnel and security measures are… Continue reading What Should Be The Cyber Security Spent In Your Clients’ Maintenance Contract?

Remembering 80-20 And How It Applies To Your Agency Business

An Italian economist named Pareto proposed the 80/20 rule. According to this rule, 80% of the results come from 20% of the efforts. When applied to the business world, the power means that only 80% of a company’s sales come from its 20% customer base. How Does the 80-20 Rule Work? This rule often indicates… Continue reading Remembering 80-20 And How It Applies To Your Agency Business

Setting Up Testing And Quality Benchmarks For Your Small Agencies’ Next Project

In today’s business landscape, software applications play an integral role. By receiving application requirements for the first time, Enable’s clients can focus on profitable growth, business transformation, and achieving their company’s goals. This article points out the six types of application testing that Competent recommends. By paying attention to this type of testing as early… Continue reading Setting Up Testing And Quality Benchmarks For Your Small Agencies’ Next Project

Do You Have A CCSO?

Cloud security has come a long way since initially used in the IT world. It has transformed efficiency by reducing costs and enabling the distribution of IT resources into a faster and more enterprise-oriented system. It allows organizations to efficiently use their resources and leverage the skills of professionals working together to strengthen the overall… Continue reading Do You Have A CCSO?