Top Tools of the Trade

For keeping the data Center healthy, we need some tools. IT department must be equipped with the right tools. Here are some essential tools that help your staff better handle the slings and arrows of everyday IT. 1] Perl: Perl has a more malleable and straightforward language. It has a shell language, a simple database,… Continue reading Top Tools of the Trade

BLE, Wearables – Fitness Apps

Fast mechanical headways in savvy gadgets have prompted the development of present-day instruments and spearheaded advancements like wearable gadgets. Wearables are present-day gadgets that are utilized with the end goal of amusement and are proposed to bring high portability, live admittance to information, and set mindfulness into the lives of individuals in a sans hands… Continue reading BLE, Wearables – Fitness Apps

PWAs – Do you need one?

What is a Progressive Web App? Progressive Web App is a type of web application that can be used as a web page and an application with various functions on a specific random gadget. PWAs are designed to satisfy most of the needs recorded on the Google agenda, after which the Progressive Web Application is… Continue reading PWAs – Do you need one?

Top 3 Security Plugins for WordPress

Currently, WordPress is a free, open-source website creation platform. It is an excellent website platform for a variety of websites. In comparison, we are working on the website we need come security because 30,000 websites are hacked every day on average. Every 3 seconds, a new Cyber attack happens somewhere on the website. So we… Continue reading Top 3 Security Plugins for WordPress

Mobile App Security

Mobile Security: – Securing any portable devices such as mobile, tablets, laptops, or any computing devices or the networks to which our devices are connected that need protection from any harm or attacks to prevent future damage. Why we require mobile Security:- No matter what your age is, today, everyone has a smartphone. Mobile has… Continue reading Mobile App Security

AI – Applications of AI

Artificial Intelligence is a type of computer intelligence that is the ability of human behavior or thinking and maybe educated to solve issues. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a combination of Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches. AI algorithms that have been trained with large amounts of data may make intelligent judgments. Administrative Tasks Automated to… Continue reading AI – Applications of AI

10 Bootstrap Classes

What is Bootstrap! Bootstrap is a free, open-source CSS framework directly responsive for mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS and JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components. Bootstrap is an HTML, CSS, and JS Library that focuses on simplifying the development of informative web pages as opposed to web… Continue reading 10 Bootstrap Classes

Data Science

Data science is a multi-sectoral field focused on extracting knowledge from data sets and applying the knowledge in actionable insights from data to solve problems in a wide range of application domains in any industry. Data science collects all the available data and extracts valuable data from it, implementing that data to grow business. Big… Continue reading Data Science

What is Big Data?

Big data are defined as more diverse data, arriving in more significant volumes and incredible velocity. Big Data refers to larger, more complicated data sets, particularly those derived from new data sources because these data sets are so large, data processing technologies can’t handle them. What is E-Commerce? Electronic commerce (eCommerce) is a business strategy… Continue reading What is Big Data?

Augmented Reality (A.R.) Vs. Virtual Reality(V.R.)

In this digital world, we spend time looking at screens. Beaten laptops, cell phones, and T.V. have become a big part of our lives, and V.R. and A.R. are two technologies that change how we use screens. Augmented reality and virtual reality technology generate interest in their possibilities for marketing, gaming, entertainment, e-commerce business, and… Continue reading Augmented Reality (A.R.) Vs. Virtual Reality(V.R.)