Graphic Design Vs. Web Design

Graphic design and web design – Are they the same thing? Maybe there are some crucial differences between what a graphic designer does and what a web designer does. Let’s look at what each type of work involves. Graphic Design What is It? In Graphic design, the designers focus on creating graphics, combining typography with… Continue reading Graphic Design Vs. Web Design

Can Website Redesign Boost Traffic?

A Website is like an office in the digital space. It attracts potential customers, answers questions about your company, and promotes your products and services. With so many things being done online after the pandemic, websites have become more critical than ever. Now is the time to redesign website services to optimize and stay competitive.… Continue reading Can Website Redesign Boost Traffic?

Dwell Time-Why is it Important for SEO

Dwell Time is a crucial metric that finds a lot of context in articles, social media, and conference presentations. What Is Dwell Time? Dwell Time is the Time spent by a Google searcher (users) on a page in search results before returning to the SERPs. Many SEO professionals consider dowel time to be an important… Continue reading Dwell Time-Why is it Important for SEO

Want To Boost your Small Business! Use UI/UX Design

The average time to stay on any website maybe be 10-20 seconds. More than 28% of people delete an app within two days of installing it. Why so? Poor UI / UX design (user interface/user experience design) is essential for your business. It can either make or break your brand. To improve the status of… Continue reading Want To Boost your Small Business! Use UI/UX Design

Invent A Digital Enterprise Successfully

Most traditional companies have become digitally disrupted, and business leaders have had to change their approach to addressing existing market barriers to serve new markets and meet the needs of a broader customer base. More than 80% of business executives now prioritize business digitization in today’s world. Many feel that failure to digitize their company… Continue reading Invent A Digital Enterprise Successfully

Mobile App Marketing – THE BASICS

To develop your overall strategy, you need to understand the many ways you can market your app. These ways lead to a comprehensive understanding of combining these methods for a successful app marketing strategy. Mobile app marketing involves user interaction, from learning about the product to becoming a loyal user. It also involves defining the… Continue reading Mobile App Marketing – THE BASICS

Top 5 SEO Strategies for 2022

As most businesses know, search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to attract customers to their online platform. However, SEO is constantly changing, and you need to stay on top of the latest trends to ensure your content strategies are effective. Keep updating yourself on the latest developments in SEO and make sure you see the… Continue reading Top 5 SEO Strategies for 2022

Uploading Mobile Apps on Google Play Store

Smartphones are one of the essential gadgets for users. More than 60% of people sleep with a phone next to them and check it first thing in the morning. Almost all businesses have mobile apps to engage their audience. If you are planning to launch your mobile app, the Google Play Store is the best… Continue reading Uploading Mobile Apps on Google Play Store

Benefits of Data Visualization

Data visualization is not a new concept, large files with numbers are usually difficult to read, and patterns are hard to find. However, experts from many organizations believe that developing visual reports focused on creating stories around data is unnecessary; They think that data alone should be enough to make a decision. Visualizing supports this… Continue reading Benefits of Data Visualization

Why Website Maintenance?

Almost every business needs a website not only to advertise the products and services your business offers but also to build your brand image and get customer reviews or feedback. Many business owners think that website development is a one-time project, but they are very wrong – a website is forever a work-in-progress. It is… Continue reading Why Website Maintenance?