
Top 5 Cyber Strategies Your Startup Should Know

If you’ve just started your own business but have yet to think about implementing a proper cybersecurity strategy for your Startup, feel again. Your company is more vulnerable to hacking than most businesses.

Did you know that over 40% of cyber-attacks are on startups, while less than 15% are prepared to handle them?

Most startups fail to acknowledge that protecting businesses from cyber fraud is more than antivirus software and firewalls. Another thing that prevents them from investing in good cyber security is the need for more funding.

Still, cyber security should be the first thing on your mind outside of your day-to-day business.

5 Proven Cyber Security Strategies for your Startup:

1. Train and educate employees: Studies show that internal employees cause 43% of data loss. Most of these incidents are accidental. They can lose systems, share login credentials, or open fraudulent emails that trigger virus attacks in the network.

2. Protect the Network, System, and Data: Conduct risk assessments, assess potential risks, identify and analyze potential threats, and devise strategies to bridge all gaps. Access all information about who owns data and what data is stored. Install a good antivirus with a firewall, a threat prevention tool, and ransomware encryption.

3. Back-Up Your Data Regularly: It is critical for businesses to back up data regularly, which is essential to maintain business continuity in the event of data loss.

4. Updating The Software: To improve the company’s cyber security, update the software regularly and upgrade to a better technical solution tool whenever necessary. Failure to update the software can lead to an attack on the business.

5. Cloud Security: Small businesses are turning to cloud solutions. While cloud-based systems make businesses highly efficient, accessible, and cost-effective, companies need to adopt appropriate cloud security measures to mitigate cyber vulnerabilities.


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